
Panda Helper Last updated: 2022-06-16

SpooferX Overview

There are many hacked versions of Pokemon Go, but not many are still working. Except for the Pokemon Go Hacks by iPogo, which we mentioned last time, SpooferX  also a well-known version.

Spooferx for Pokemon Go is the enhanced version of the original Pokemon Go app in which free teleport and a joystick have been added. A lot more features have been added, including enhanced throw, IV checking, GPX, Auto walking and a fast catch trick. A live feed and guiding map covering everything around you has also been included. You no longer need a computer since the game advancement has been made to work even on non-jailbreak iPhones.

Download Spooferx for Pokemon Go on iOS

What can You do With SpooferX for Pokemon Go?


With a fake GPS, you can Teleport to any place without being detected.- use a custom GPS or the hotspot.


This joystick enables you to move around easily and change the speed rate you can move.


You can see how powerful a Pokemon is, i.e., each value's Defense/ Attack/ Stamina before you can plan to catch it considering your inventory.


You can now load up the gaming map quickly when you want to move quickly, especially with 60 FPS, and undo hunt, thus making it extremely smooth.


You are probably tired of those Grunts, so defeating the pokemon in any battle becomes easy with just one hit.


Do you feel too lazy to gather more stardust, then why not turn on auto warm and leave the rest to Virtual Go Plus?

How to Spoof in SpooferX Pokemon Go Without Getting Banned?

Last week, I just tried something great, although at significant risk. I just tried Teleporting Pokemon Go through a GPS spoofing app. I was risking losing my favorite account. Many players are looking forward to underst Pokemon Go teleport tricks and hacks to capture more Pokemons and enhance their GPS location.

Sadly enough, Niantic can easily detect any sudden chance of your Pokemon location and, in that case, shut your account. However, that doesn’t mean there are no safe ways of Pokemon teleporting. I'll teach you how to do it safely, so keep reading.

What Does it Mean to Teleport?

Teleport means moving from place A to place B without physically walking between the two places. Pokemon Go wants the players to move physically to catch a Pokemon. The good news is that with our Pokemon Go Teleport hack/ app, you can quickly Teleport and catch a Pokemon without physically moving.

Here is some secure way to Teleport in Pokemon without having your account banned.

Don’t Lgnore the Cooldown Time.

As the name suggests, the cooldown is when a player must wait after using the in-game action mode. The time is estimated from a distance you have traveled between the in-game actions. It would help if you waited for the Cooldown time to use the next in-game actions. Otherwise, you will fail the said action. For example, if you don’t wait for the cool down, the next Pokemon you want to catch will be free, Pokeshop will not reward you, and Raids won’t work.

1.Examples of actions that require cooldown include:

- Attempting to catch wild Pokemon, especially those originating from Lure Modules, Incense, Meltan’s Mystery Box, and Special Lures.

- You accidentally dropped the ball off an encounter screen.

- Spinning a Pokestops after a Try Again pop-up message.

- Spinning Pokestops after getting the message Bag is full.

- Taking a Pokemon in a gym

- Feeding a nearby gym defender around screen radar

- Gym Battles

- Attempting to free your Pokemon after a catch limit

2.Actions that do not require cooldown

- Teleporting

- Coming across a wild Pokemon

- Auto walking

- Hatching eggs

- Catching your reward Pokemon from a quest

- Claiming weekly rewards and quests

- Powering up your Pokemon

- Trading your Pokemon

- Evolving a Pokemon etc.

3.This implies that the farther you teleport from the actual location, the more you must wait. Although this is not a universal rule, you can follow the expert's cooldown time below.

1 -6 KMs: 1-3 mins

6 - 11 KMs: 3 to 8 mins

11 - 101 KMs: 11 to 31 min

101 - 251 KMs: 31 to 46 mins

251 - 501 KMs: 46 to 66 mins

901 - 13000 KMs: 91 to 121 mins

501 - 901 KMs: 66 to 91 mins

Toggle Off Airplane Mode Before Teleporting.

Yes, turning off Airplane Mode is a great way of teleporting without your account being banned. To turn on the Airplane mode, follow these steps.

Turn on or off the Airplane mode.

Close your Pokemon Go App if it runs in the background, and sign in to your account.

Give it a few minutes and toggle off the Airplane mode before trying to run the SpooferX on the device.

If you come across an error during the log-in process, give it a few minutes to auto-fix the error rather than attempting to log out.

Once your app completes loading, go to the map interface and change the location.

No 100% Guarantee

Although these methods are designed to work for you, they are not 100% guaranteed. Some of these methods may or may not be on your side but work for someone else.

The type of device you own also determines if they work or not. If your account has experienced a soft ban, try these hacks to avoid a permanent ban.

How to Download SpooferX Ipa for Free on iOS? (via Panda Helper)

SpooferX is an advanced version of the original Pokemon Go app that can work perfectly without jailbreak. You can get the app from app installers like Panda Helper  directly on your iPhone device. The best thing about SpooferX is that it comes with a wide variety of hacks, including teleporting, walking faster and capturing more eggs.

If you are an iPhone or iPad user, you can choose to download and install SpooferX with one click from Panda Helper without jailbreaking your device. Panda Helper is a safe and reliable third-party app market that can download various hacked games or cracked apps. All you need to do is to install the Panda Helper iOS version first. The following is a novice tutorial, and I hope it can help you.

Tutorial: How to download SpooferX ipa from Panda Helper iOS?

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is it Safe to Use the Joystick in SpooferX Pokemon Go?

A: Sorry for now. Joysticks are restricted in Pokemon Go. Besides, if you’re caught overusing the feature, there are chances that your account will be banned.

Q: What if I Use a Joystick Hack That Results in my Account Being Banned?

A: This case is not severe since your account is only on the temporary ban, less than 12 hours. When your account is temporarily banned, you can only wait for that time to lapse; you cannot play Pokemon Go at that moment.